Well Water Systems 101: Well Water Treatment Options

March 20, 2020

Private well water systems make household water available in residential areas beyond the reach of municipal water systems. Wells are drilled to access pools of water below the ground's surface called aquifers. Well water for private homes is unregulated. This means property owners are responsible for well water treatment.

Read on to learn about well water systems and how to ensure cool, clear water is readily available for your household needs.

What Is a Private Well Water System?

A private well is a water system for a residence that is created by accessing pools of water below the ground called aquifers. There are three types of drinking water wells:

  • Bored Wells: These are shallow wells constructed by an auger to access shallow groundwater. They draw water from the ground above the bedrock and are usually 10 to 30 feet deep.
  • Driven Wells: This is another shallow well. Driven wells are 10-25 feet deep and created in areas where the groundwater table is high. Driven wells are dug with a specialized piece of equipment called a Driven Well Point that is specially designed for sandy soils.
  • Drilled Wells: A drilling machine is used to access water thousands of feet below the ground's surface for drilled wells. These wells are cased and create a closed system that is freer from environmental contaminants than the other two types of wells. Drilled wells require a well pump.

Whichever type of well water system serves your residence, there are common maintenance issues calling for well water treatment.

Common Well Water Problems

Well water treatment options are available for all common well water problems. Here are some common problems faced by private well owners:

  • Iron: High levels of iron in well water are not necessarily a health issue, but it does create unsightly stains in bath and kitchen areas. Iron can also make the water taste rough.
  • Low pH: If you notice water pipe corrosion problems such as green stains from copper systems or red stain from iron systems, you most likely have low pH or acid water. 
  • Hydrogen sulfide: If you've ever had water that smells like rotten eggs, hydrogen sulfide is the culprit. While not a health risk, it certainly does not make for tasty water.
  • Manganese: A dissolved mineral often found in well water, manganese can cause brown stains around fixtures, in showers, and toilet bowls. Manganese is often found where there are high iron concentrations, and together they create muddy brown stains in these areas.

Well Water Is Often Hard

Hard water is created when minerals such as calcium and magnesium are dissolved in high quantities in the water. These excess minerals in well water come from the ground around the well. Municipal water systems often come from surface water, are less likely to have elevated mineral contents, and are soft.

You remedy hard water with a water softener system that uses a salt brine to release the minerals in the water. As the water cycles through the softener, minerals are released and the water tastes better, cleans better, and is more gentle on the plumbing system.

Well Water Can Become Contaminated

Changing environmental conditions can affect the quality of your well water. Flooding, septic system maintenance, and agricultural runoff are just a few sources of contamination. 

While well water is less susceptible to contamination than surface water sources, it is important to regularly monitor the quality of your well water. The EPA recommends your water be tested annually. If you notice a change in the odor, flavor, or color of your well water, you should schedule a test.

Well Water Treatment Options

Annual maintenance of your well water system will keep your family safe and your home sparkling clean. Aqua Doctor offers well water treatment options for all well water issues. Here are some reasons to contact our expert team for well water maintenance:

  • Your well pump is continually cycling.
  • You notice a drop in water pressure.
  • The taste, color, or clarity of your water has changed.
  • There has been damage to the well, plumbing, or septic system.

Ask the Experts at Aqua Doctor About Well Water Treatment 

Aqua Doctor is your well water expert in Suffolk County! We're happy to meet your well water treatment needs! Get in touch and set up an appointment today.

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